A little about us…
Andy’s Trout Farm was opened in 1965 by Mr. & Mrs. Andy & Hazel Cope – and has been supplying the town of Dillard, GA (and it’s visitors) with an outdoor recreational haven for generations! To this day, Andy’s maintains it’s charm as a welcoming, rustic & tranquil respite; while granting it’s guests a fun, unbridled sense of yesteryear.

Andy’s Trout Farm opened to the public in 1965. It was founded and developed by Andy and Hazel Cope, with some help from their family. In the late 1950’s, while Andy was operating a service station in Dillard, GA, many travelers inquired about places to fish and camp. The Copes used some mountain land, which they owned in the Betty’s Creek Community, to develop Betty’s Creek Recreation Area! Later, they changed the name to Andy’s Trout Farm and built rental cabins along the stream. They had found the ideal spot to raise rainbow trout. The cold mountain stream flowing from the mountains of North Carolina into Betty’s Creek provided the water needed. It took the family several months to get a hatchery in operation for hatching, and ponds built for growing the trout. They began running the fish farm and selling trout that were caught from the catch-out ponds. They dressed the catch and even had a restaurant across the road from the fishing office! In 1968 Andy and Hazel Cope were granted the “Farm Family of the Year Awards”- in both North Carolina and Georgia!
Today the farm continues to be run with love and care that Andy and Hazel instilled in their grandchildren. Working to keep the legacy alive is Sonya Cousineau, Andy and Hazel’s granddaughter. Since coming on board in 1988 Sonya, along with an amazing support crew keep the fish growing, the grounds looking spectacular and the customers coming back for more. She is supported by her three daughters and sons in laws, and (so far) 4 grandchildren in continuing the amazing service to families who become friends. Helping to keep things on track around the cabins and property you will find Paula Ledford, also a granddaughter of Andy and Hazel. Joining in to make it a complete family affair are her daugher and granddaugher.
The face and voice of the farm is Melanie. She is the first person you will meet and basically makes sure all your needs are taken care of. Continuing the framework set up by Andy and Hazel we are assisted by several young family and community members who are learning the basics of hard work and good customer service here at the farm.
Barbara, Andy and Hazel’s daughter and mother to Sonya and Paula, continues to be a presence to reckoned with and her memory is alive and well through the use of Cope Hall for family gatherings and events of all kinds. Her husband, Bill Passmore, stops by the farm often to offer support and encouragement and to enjoy the family. Andy’s is still very much a family venture!!!!